Thursday, November 10, 2016

5 Don'ts In Evangelism

5 Dont's for Evangelism

5 Don’ts For Evangelism (Part 1)

1. Don’t be drawn into Argument.

One of the greatest temptations for evangelism today is the argumentation that leads to debate. One of the hardest people to evangelize is someone expose to the word of God yet what they know are twisted to the real interpretation of the Bible.

In this point I do not mean that we are going to avoid argumentation or debate in defense of the truth but as much as possible we need to avoid to argue because an argument will lead us out of focus to our main goal: to present to a lost the only way provided for our salvation: Jesus (John 14:6)
One of our elder in the church was once confronted by a former Christian Pastor who converted to another religion. This former Christian Pastor told our elder that Jesus is just a man and not God. What our elder did is he left that person to avoid any argument. The next day the same happened, the former Pastor insists that Jesus is not God. This time a humble answer came from our elder and said, “Sir, I do not have problem that Jesus is Man but we can never reject that Jesus is God.” So the former Christian Pastor had silenced.
In my previous article I wrote about asking God for wisdom. So let us always ask God for wisdom whenever we witness.

2. Don’t attract attention for yourself or your experience.

Our present evangelism has modeled by having an excellent way to present the gospel in a friendly way. We insert our own experiences (testimony) on what God is doing in our lives. This method is not wrong and was not considered unbiblical as long as you have the gospel presented biblically. My advice is: do not overemphasize your life but make it a bridge to divert the conversation to what Christ did on the Cross of Calvary for the sake of the sinners.

3. Don’t monopolize the conversation.

Do you have a friend who loves to talk to you about his life? Whenever he comes to you, he just speaks and does not care about listening. Will you ever like to listen to him if he doesn’t have time to listen?
 In evangelism, don’t try to monopolize the conversation. Make the person you are witnessing have time to talk. Give opportunity to express his self.

4. Don’t deal with opposite sex.

Lot of churches today has programmed their evangelism and witnessing training emphasized that Christians should witness with people not opposite with their gender to avoid possible problems to arise.
In doing this, you can preserve your testimony. Keep it in mind that though you have a pure motive to win a person to Christ, people who do not know your reasons will stipulate negative things.

5. Don’t choose a person much senior to deal with.

Another problem is our generational gap. Witnessing to an elderly might be hard for a youth or witnessing a youth for an elderly might be hard as well. The reason is they cannot relate to each other.

One of the churches I know has struggled in their Praise and Worship. There was a division genre between the elders and youth. The elders wanted to sing hymnals for Praise and worship while the youth wanted to jump high singing the playlist of Hillsong and Planetshakers. So they came up to a solution. They mix a song of contemporary to the hymnals in their lineup.
Keep in mind that these lists are just suggestions. Jesus himself had witnessed with a Samaritan woman – opposite to His gender, He talked to a leader of the Pharisses – an older than Him.

God will always bring you a person He wants you to share the gospel with. Whether with your opposite gender or an older than you. So am I giving you these things as precautionary measures or standard for evangelism. But don’t limit yourself with these. Don’t hinder the work of the Holy Spirit with these things. God will use you according to His purpose.

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