Wednesday, November 9, 2016

4 To Do's in Evangelsim

4 Things to Keep in mind for Evangelism

1. Believe God’s Promise of Wisdom.

Evangelism is about telling people about God and their inability to save themselves from the wrath of God. When a Christian is doing an evangelism he simply go to a person he meet on a street or anywhere else. Recently, I just heard about a person who really loves evangelism. This person approaches people even the strangers just to preach to gospel. My point is we are going to evangelize not just the people we know but even our new migrated neighbor. In evangelism, we should be forgetting our own personal preferences: we do not witness to a person because he is good looking, nice or friendly. We do evangelize even the most unlovable person in our community.
Do we still remember in the book of Acts when Apostle Paul was in a courtroom because of his defense of the gospel? Apostle Paul was persuaded that his present suffering is God’s way to proclaim the gospel in front of the King Agrippa. In the 28th verse of Chapter 26, King Agrippa said, “You almost persuade to become Christian.” And Paul responded to Him with all humility in verse 29, “I would to God that not only you, but also who hear me today, might become both almost and altogether such as I am, except for these chains.” Apostle Paul’s intention to proclaim the gospel is not just the government officials like the King but even as well with religious leaders who opposes Christ and not only that, even to the simplest citizen of his country.

So upon understanding that our focus of evangelism is not limited only to the people close to us, wisdom in evangelism is totally needed. We need to tell Jesus about His promise to the disciples. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and to bring to your remembrance all that I have said to you” (John 14:26). We need the wisdom from the Holy Spirit. To know what really a person is feeling or need and for us to have the right and proper words to minister effectively to a person’s life.

2. Do claim Deliverance from the fear of man.

Androphobia is the fear of man. Fear is just a normal reaction in our daily lives. We fear to try and we fear to risk and that is common. But to remain in that fear forever is horrible thing. If you have in fear and never get out from this it means you have not destroyed the number one barrier that hinders your evangelism.
I could no longer you practical way to liquefy your fear but to believe the Word of God through Apostle Paul in his second letter to Timothy 1:7, “For God did not give us spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self discipline” and God echoed this promise through Apostle John, “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”
Your love for God and for the lost will disperse your fear.

3. Do keep your Eyes Open for Opportunity.

The Lost will not go to our church services and tell us,”Hey! Share me the gospel!” (though there are rare incidents). What I mean is, this is not the time that we will sit back and relax. We need the courage, we need to seize every opportunity to seek and witness to the lost.

Remember the reason why Jesus came here? “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). He didn’t come here to be served but to serve. He willingly came here, surrendered Himself to the will of the Father for the sake of the lost. And ascended to heaven, sitting at the right hand of God with all His authority. He commissioned His disciples to keep on going to do the mandate of soul-winning. So as we are, we have been mandated to seek the lost.

The words of Jesus are “there are still sheep which are not of this fold.” The opportunity is always there and it is up to you whether to take it or to leave it.

4. Do Purpose to Win One Soul.

I have been in evangelism training for almost 2 years. Our leader or Pastor has introduced us the T4T Training way of evangelism and discipleship. In this method we have been taught about the simplest way to evangelize and easy to reproduce. This way of evangelism is modeled to motivate even a new believer to pass it to their friends or closest family member who is not a Christian. The only challenge for us is to look for a person even one person we can share the gospel. The purpose to win one soul made the team accountable to do the calling.

I hope this four checklist could help you to your evangelism.
If you have any more suggestion. You can comment below for addition.

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