Thursday, July 27, 2017

4 Possible Reasons why members leave the church

     1. Leaders do not love each other.

People keep on saying, “There is no such as perfect church.” That is true either but to live constantly without the bond of Christ’s love in the church is a devil’s lie. Leaders do not protect each other but tearing each other apart. Most of those who should be model in the church are double-tongued:  they say “I love you!” in the presence of someone but burst hatred in behind. Hypocrisy – they wear a mask and portray something that they are not. They live in pride and instead of humility. They are pointing fingers to other; they do not want to be counted accountable when situation get worst.

2. Activity without Purpose.

Our church remained idle for how many years. Believers meet only on Sundays. After the Worship service people are gone. No time for qualitative talking. No fellowship except the two hours of meeting every Lord’s Day. No visitation, No prayer meeting. No Bible Study. The result is a noticeable decreasing attendance every Sunday. Vacant chairs are greater than that of the number of believers who come to worship God on Sundays.

When the leadership perceived the problem, the purposed of building up a group to settle this matter had been organized. Some leaders are appointed to do the task of visitation and Sundays Schools. But when some of these men do not find any interest on what they are doing – quitting is their necessary tendencies. And then, the needs are not met.

When people do not know the purpose of their activity or the reasons of their appointment, when people do not know why they do what they do, they easily get loose to what is assign to them.

3      3. Members do not cooperate.

The problem is not just with the leadership but with the members as well. Cooperation is impossible when children of God had more time with world than the Lord. Members have more time in their own personal material gain. They can’t even just give a one whole day with the Lord. They are always in a hurry. They fear their bosses more that they fear their Master. They always seek the supply rather than the Supplier. My point is the members obstacles why they can’t get into the service of God is their own lust. I have seen a lot of Christians whether young people or adults who have more time browsing their Facebook, who spent much time watching Television. They have fun with the things of this world but unhappiness with the things of the Lord.

4. Spiritual Stagnant.

Who can tell that someone can survive on this kind of Church? The outcome of this chaos in a church is forming a vacuum on someone’s spiritual life. When leaders do not love each other, how will obedience to the Word of God will portray. When activity does not have purpose, what will be accomplished? When members do not cooperate, how someone’s gift will be used?

The Lord has called His church from darkness to light for that light to shine bright in the life of the lost and more specifically to the life God’s children. There is no such as perfect church but an imperfect church is called to serve the perfect God. The Bible tells us to be perfect because He is perfect. Isn’t He is calling His church in the same way? In particular, I am not talking about sinless perfection. But the Church is called to manifest the light that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ. To love just like God love us while we were yet sinners by sending His Son as the perfect atonement for our sins.

In conclusion, I am not telling that a church member should leave a church because of these reasons. My primary purpose for drawing these things is for the church to pray and asked God’s guidance so that everything will fall into their proper places.

If you can add more to these reasons, you can comment what you know below.

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