Tuesday, August 1, 2017

When a Pastor is.....

          One of the noblest ways to serve God is responding to the call as a Pastor. To spend time not just reading but studying the Word of God molds not just the mind but even the heart. If I would ask, “What would be the greatest prize of Pastoring?” I would be answering, “A change life each day!” A Pastor is not a perfect human being but someone whose life is being transformed each day just like any other Christian. Though expectations from a Pastor are wider like the distance of the North to South, there are some who are striving to meet all these. The capacity and ability is varying daily. There are some who are able to stretch and becoming more flexible.

            Pastoring is not an easy task. It demands all area of your life: time, money, energy and effort. It demands love to persevere. It needs an unwavering commitment to the Lord to stand and be still on all unending struggles.

            As a matter of fact one of the joyful calling in the Christian realm is Pastoring but reality would remain reality no matter how joyful a Pastor’s calling will be. Sometimes Pastors are in a solitary place even they are surrounded by people that God has given him. Are there really some of those fellows who understand a Pastor’s heart? Pastors need them!

            Who knows when a Pastor cries alone in his room? Is there anyone who understands the heart of a Pastor? Who comes to ask about his struggles and his bitterness? Who knows when a Pastor needs a hand? Who knows when he needs a shoulder to cry on? Whom he can approach when he is struggling about his family, his relationships? Who is not going to judge a Pastor at his weakest moment? Who would stay friend to a Pastor when everybody turns their back to him? Who can give an appreciation to a Pastor instead of blaming him of all the mess in the church? Who can back up a Pastor’s decision without criticizing him? Who knows that even a Pastor wants to be criticized and be corrected in a Biblical way? Who knows a Pastor’s feeling when a gossip about him is spread instead of talking to him first?

Dear Pastors: of all the hardship you are facing in the ministry lookout out for the souls of the flock God has entrusted to you with all diligence. Keep on displaying love, care, dedication, enthusiasm and selflessness to the members for the sake of Christ. Pursue the noble task of leading the church, teaching and preaching the Word. With all humility, protect the church from false teachers, exhort and admonish the saints in sound doctrine. The commitment is to Christ who - the Head of the body and to God who reward those who diligently seek Him. 

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